The Hunting Season For Migratory Birds Ends On February 29

The Russian law of the Georgian Dream party threatens independent media and civil society organizations and hinders Georgia from joining the European Union.

Russian law establishes Putin's rules in Georgia, which has eliminated free speech in Russia.

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Today, February 29, the hunting season for migratory birds ends. The Department of Environmental Supervision warns citizens that hunting for migratory birds will be prohibited from March 1 to August.

To prevent illegal hunting, the Department of Environmental Supervision will carry out 24-hour monitoring. Corresponding fines will be imposed on individuals who violate the law.

"In some cases, the objects and hunting weapons obtained will be confiscated. Additionally, according to the law, a person may be deprived of the right to carry hunting firearms. In cases of illegal hunting of birds, the amount of damage to the environment is added to the fine. If the game obtained has caused significant damage to the environment, the issue of criminal liability against the person will be considered," the Department of Environmental Supervision says.

During the last season, from August 19 to February 28, 685 cases of illegal hunting and violations of hunting rules were registered.

The Department of Environmental Supervision encourages citizens to call the hotline of the Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture - 153 (without area code, the call is free, and anonymity is protected) in case of law violations.

Georgian News
Georgian News
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