Distribution of stolen content on the Internet is prohibited by law

The Russian law of the Georgian Dream party threatens independent media and civil society organizations and hinders Georgia from joining the European Union.

Russian law establishes Putin's rules in Georgia, which has eliminated free speech in Russia.

When you are oppressed, there will be no one to cover your problem and stand by you.

Georgian News will resist the Russian intention of the Georgian Dream to the end!

The two most popular Georgian movie websites, imovies.cc and adjaranet.com, have been down since August 23. The site is under reconstruction - you will find such inscriptions on the web pages. Both sites were distributing stolen films.

According to the National Communications Commission of Georgia, last week, the commission again appealed to those websites spreading illegal content to free their platforms from such content. Unfortunately, several sites did not comply with the request, after which the commission applied to the Internet service providers to take appropriate measures against them.

According to the commission, websites that distributed pirated audio-visual products were given a maximum two-year period to bring their activities into compliance with the law before being shut down.

"Posting audio-visual content in the Internet space in violation of copyright causes serious financial damage to companies that have purchased and legally offer the same content to users, which is distributed illegally by various websites, and therefore causes damage to the legal owners of the rights. At the same time, this harms the country's image and reputation," the commission said in a statement.

CAVEA.PLUS, the first legal Georgian online cinema appeared on the market a few days ago. "Cavea Plus" combines films and TV series from leading local and world film studios (Disney, Sony, Warner, Paramount, Universal, HBO).

Cavea Plus movie and TV series library are divided into three sets: dark, subscription, and purchase. "Dark set" includes those movies and TV series that are free to watch, and to have them, registration is enough; After the trial broadcast ends, some of the content will be moved to subscription and purchase packages. To watch the movies and TV series included in the "Subscription Set", registration and a monthly subscription are required; the fee is 9 GEL. 5 people can use one season ticket. Movies are currently only in the original language. Imovies.cc and adjaranet.com also translated some of the films into Georgian. Both sites employed several dozen people for the translation and dubbing of movies.

In 2019, Georgia received a warning due to Internet piracy. American film studios expressed concern about showing illegal films on sites in Georgia. They warned the country of sanctions if the problem was not resolved, which would be defined by the delay of film and TV world premieres or, in some cases, their complete cancellation.

At the request of American film studios, pages of Georgian pirate sites (adjaranet.com, iMovies.cc, croconet.com, srulad.com, movies.ge, geosaitebi.ge, qartulad.com, hoovies.net) on Facebook and Instagram in 2022 It was deleted in November.

Georgian News
Georgian News
is an independent socio-political online edition. The website is operated by the Information Resources Network (IRN).