Former Policeman Indicted for Assaulting Citizen in Sighnaghi Police 7 Years Ago

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Vladimir Mchedlishvili, archive photo

Seven years after citizen Vladimir Mchedlishvili was beaten at Sighnaghi police station, the former district inspector-investigator has been charged with abuse of authority. The Prosecutor's Office has applied to the Tbilisi City Court requesting imprisonment as a preventive measure against the accused.

On December 14, 2023, the European Court of Human Rights determined a violation of the procedural aspect of Article 3 of the European Convention (prohibiting torture, inhuman or degrading treatment) in the case Vladimer Mchedlishvili v. Georgia. According to this decision, the state was obligated to conduct an effective investigation into the matter.

Following a reinvestigation by the Special Investigation Service, it was established that on May 15, 2017, in Sighnaghi near the marriage house, Inspector-Investigator of the Sighnaghi District Division of the Kakheti Police Department, G.N., along with his colleagues, administratively arrested Vladimir Mchedlishvili. On the same day, the arrested officers took him to the administrative building of the division, where Inspector-Investigator GN inflicted physical injuries on him resulting in long-term harm to Vladimir Mchedlishvili's health.

The investigation into the alleged abuse of authority by the police officer commenced at the Kakheti District Prosecutor's Office on May 17, 2017, but remained unresolved for years. The non-governmental organization Social Justice Center appealed to the Strasbourg Court specifically due to delays in the national-level investigation.

If convicted, the former policeman could face a prison term ranging from 5 to 8 years.

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