MP Injia to Propose „Utsnobi“ Rally Demands as a Bill to the Parliament

The Russian law of the Georgian Dream party threatens independent media and civil society organizations and hinders Georgia from joining the European Union.

Russian law establishes Putin's rules in Georgia, which has eliminated free speech in Russia.

When you are oppressed, there will be no one to cover your problem and stand by you.

Georgian News will resist the Russian intention of the Georgian Dream to the end!

Fridon Injia, a member of parliament from the European Socialists group, is set to submit demands raised during April 30 rally organized by a known state propagandist, Gia Gachechiladze a.k.a Utsnobi as an official bill.

“I’ve listed demands voiced there and echoed them here to get them across to the ruling party,” said Injia on May 2 parliament session and proceeded to list the demands:

  • The law should apply equally to everyone, regardless of political, sexual, or other orientation. No one should be privileged before the law. Parliament building was set on fire, injuring 60 officers and only one person gets arrested;
  • In cases of political crisis and polarization, people should be given an opportunity to express their views through a referendum to avoid destabilization and revolution; We demand the 2004-2012 tyrannical regime of the National Movement be given a political-legal reassessment and for the appropriate legal action to be taken; 
  • The government should start implementing a sovereign economic policy in order to taper unemployment and poverty. The main motto here should be “Georgia first” and the state should take part in all projects that benefit our country;
  • Respect for the independency of Georgia from the politicians of the European Union and other countries - they should be definitively required not to interfere in internal social and political issues;
  • Fundamental education be established in schools;
  • Rectifying demographic problems, and implementing relevant state programs;
  • Outlawing LGBT propaganda and much more.

I, as a citizen, am joining in on these demands. In the coming days, we will present a bundle of laws that derive from the views raised at the meeting of a group representing the majority,” said Injia.

Georgian Dream supporters and state workers also took part in April 30 rally, where anti-western and homophobic statements were being made. The rally was led by Zaza Papuashvili, a two-term MP (2012-2016 and 2016-2020) representing Georgian Dream.

Georgian Dream leaders expressed support for the rally. Chairman of the Parliament Shalva Papuashvili called it “a rally imbued with the Georgia ideal and national interests”. The Tbilisi Mayor and a General Secretary of the ruling party, Kakha Kaladze, thanked the people who attended the rally.

Singer Gia Gachechiladze hosts the program “Utsnobi's Ark” on one of the government's propaganda channels - Maestro, where remarks are often heard that the European Union is violating Georgia's sovereignty and compromising the goal of joining the EU and NATO.

It is worth noting that the pro-Russian, violent party Alt-Info has submitted a draft law to the parliament on the initiative of 25,000 voters, which calls for the addition of a new article to Georgia’s law “On Assemblies and Demonstrations”. According to it, it is prohibited to hold an assembly or demonstration if it aims to or during which there may be a demonstration, promotion, and/or propaganda of sexual orientation. Also, it is prohibited to hold a public gathering during which there may be statements against any religious movement, defamation of the beliefs of people of any religious sect, propaganda of war and violence, and attempts to exacerbate national, regional, religious, or social differences.

The Legal Department of Parliament gave a positive evaluation of the “Alt-Info Bill” to start the review procedure.

Georgian News
Georgian News
is an independent socio-political online edition. The website is operated by the Information Resources Network (IRN).