New accusations against Gomelauri, including the Pankisi special operation

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The former deputy head of the State Security Service, Soso Gogashvili, who is currently under arrest, made new accusations against the Minister of Internal Affairs, Vakhtang Gomelauri, including the Pankisi special operation, during which 19-year-old Temirlan Machalikashvili was fatally wounded.

"Over the years, you've been good at blaming others for your corruption, punishing others, and maintaining your position and unofficial colossal income, which is equivalent to the salary of 10,000 ordinary policemen every month.

"I would like to recall the case of Machalikashvili, when you could have stopped the dirty slanderous campaign against me with your one statement, for example, the special forces of Shavnabada are not subordinate to Gogashvili, and he could not issue orders to them, it is under my authority.

Instead, you secretly met with Mediko Margoshvili to avoid the blame. Even worse, you sent a dirty person to this embittered family whom you paid and assigned to work against me to make the family believe in the crime I allegedly committed.

Unfortunately, he managed to do so and made a bitter father take revenge against me. As proof of his task completion, the dirty man made a note, which, thanks to kind people, ended up in my hands. I gathered all the evidence and filed a complaint against this person in the prosecutor's office. These materials are now in your office, and you are not protecting them with your life.

Vakho [Gomelauri], despite the threats, I will fight to the end until I destroy this system. I am doing this for you and your family because soon, this government will no longer be in charge. State institutions will be freed from the tyranny of the oligarchs, the time will come for you to answer for the crimes you have committed. Then they will not break into your house in the middle of the night, they will not put guns and a thousand filth on you, and they will not drag you to the ground with your son Lukacho; nobody will beat you and put gun barrels in your mouth, they will accuse you and send you to the N12 penitentiary, where ventilation will already be done. You will breathe cool and clean air for a long time. This letter does not provide a warning, but I know that you will not do anything without the command of "him". I couldn't manage to say this on the phone, so I'm writing to you now, dear "Dignified General", - says a Facebook post on behalf of Gogashvili.

Ioseb Gogashvili, who held the position of the first deputy head of the State Security Service of Georgia from 2015-2018, was arrested on July 16, 2022. The prosecutor's office accuses Gogashvili of obtaining and disclosing personal data of specific citizens by using his official positions and contacts in the past, thereby contributing to the public dissemination of the said information. As a result, he has been remanded in custody. If found guilty, Gogashvili faces 4 to 7 years in prison.

19-year-old Temirlan Machalikashvili was fatally shot in the head by special forces on December 26, 2017, during a special operation in Pankisi. The State Security Service accused Temirlan Machalikashvili and several other people living in the Pankisi valley of helping Akhmed Chataev, recognized as an international terrorist, and his group; however, the wounded Machalikashvili died on January 10, 2018, without being charged.

According to the parents of Temirlan Machalikashvili, during the special operation, Soso Gogashvili, the first deputy head of the Security Service, was in charge of the special operation. However, Vakhtang Gomelauri, then-head of the State Security Service, denied this information and said that none of his deputies was present in Pankisi during the special operation.

Georgian News
Georgian News
is an independent socio-political online edition. The website is operated by the Information Resources Network (IRN).