Opposition MPs Accuse Government of Covert Negotiations with Russia

The Russian law of the Georgian Dream party threatens independent media and civil society organizations and hinders Georgia from joining the European Union.

Russian law establishes Putin's rules in Georgia, which has eliminated free speech in Russia.

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Georgian News will resist the Russian intention of the Georgian Dream to the end!

Members of the opposition in the Georgian Parliament are accusing the government of hidden negotiations with Russia and demand answers. Khatia Dekanoidze, Teona Akubardia, and Ana Natsvlishvili held a briefing today on this subject.

As the former member of the United National Movement party, Khatia Dekanoidze, stated, it is obvious that the governments of the two countries are in secret communication considering the recent events.

“Renewal of flights, the opening of new shipping routes for cargo transfer to Russia, and the arrival of Lavrov’s family members could not have happened without coordination with the Georgian Government.

We openly demand answers as to what secret dealings are taking place with Russia, when did they begin, and what communication channels are being used. Also, whose initiative they were, whether the responsible persons in the government and majority members of the parliament were aware, and whether secret visits to Moscow took, and are still taking place,” stated Dekanoidze.

“How come the Prime Minister visited the Head of Georgian Airways, Mr. Gaiashvili before the flight ban was lifted? How does the sanctioned daughter of Lavrov enter the country without a hitch? How is this government planning to ensure Georgian sovereignty and territorial integrity, which Russia directly threatens, and at the same time peacefully lead us into Europe? This is a conspiracy against Georgia that we are facing,” said Teona Akubardia.

According to Lelo party member, Ana Natsvlishvili, the Government of Georgia is obliged to answer the deputy’s questions and inform the public.

Representatives of Georgian Dream labeled the accusations by the opposition a lie and propaganda directed against Georgia’s European integration. According to the Speaker of the Parliament, Shalva Papuashvili, Russia made a unilateral decision regarding the resumption of flights.

“The opposition says that it is impossible the decision on flight resumption was made without the involvement of high-ranking Georgian officials and that Lavrov’s family members clearly dealt with the government directly, as they were being protected by the police, this is mere speculation,” said Papuashvili.

Regarding the issue of sea traffic with Russia, according to him, the spread information is false: “This was a commercial freight on a ship that fully belongs to Armenia. Armenia is a landlocked country with no access to the sea, and apart from our two-way obligations with Armenia itself, we are bound by an international convention to provide Armenia with sea access to the Black Sea. This was entirely a transit shipment that belonged to Armenia. Neither the ship nor the cargo was under sanctions or bearing a Russian flag”.

Russian President, Vladimir Putin issued a decree ordering the renewal of direct air travel with Georgia, which was suspended four years ago, on May 10, 2023. On top of renewed flights, a visa policy for Georgian citizens, in effect since 2000, has been canceled. The Georgian Government approved of these decisions and already granted two Russian airlines flight rights to Tbilisi-Moscow-Tbilisi, Sochi-Tbilisi-Sochi, and Moscow-Kutaisi-Moscow. Georgian Airways also initiated Moscow flights.

Georgian News
Georgian News
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