President Zourabichvili Granted Georgian Citizenship to 6437 Russians

The Russian law of the Georgian Dream party threatens independent media and civil society organizations and hinders Georgia from joining the European Union.

Russian law establishes Putin's rules in Georgia, which has eliminated free speech in Russia.

When you are oppressed, there will be no one to cover your problem and stand by you.

Georgian News will resist the Russian intention of the Georgian Dream to the end!

According to the data elicited from the presidential administration by Georgian News, in the period between September 4, 2018, and May 6, 2023, the Public Service Development Agency of the Ministry of Justice sent 6456 positive clearances of Russian citizens for the granting of Georgian citizenship to the presidential administration. Among these, 5 persons were granted Georgian citizenship by the president through a normal procedure, 4 with a simplified procedure, 5 with a special procedure, and 6423 with an exceptional procedure. 19 persons were denied the granting via the exceptional procedure.

As Georgian News was informed by the presidential administration in writing, among the 6423 citizens of Russia who were granted Georgian citizenship through the exceptional procedure, 6013 are Georgians by origin, 362 are related to Georgian citizens, 40 are successful athletes, scientists, and/or artists and wish to continue their work on behalf of Georgia, 5 have made or are making investments in Georgia, which have made or will make a sizable contribution to Georgian economy, and 3 have had a special contribution to Georgia or the granting of Georgian citizenship to them is in the interests of the state.

In the same period, the Public Service Development Agency forwarded a positive clearance on the granting of Georgian citizenship to 20 citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the administration of the President of Georgia. Of these, citizenship was granted to 12 persons through the normal procedure, 5 with a simplified procedure, 1 with the special, and 1 with the exceptional. 1 person was denied the granting through the exceptional procedure. The denial by the president was never appealed by the Azerbaijani citizen.

In the span between September 4, 2018, to May 6, 2023, on the basis of positive clearances from the Public Service Development Agency of the Ministry of Justice for granting Georgian citizenship by the procedure of restoration, citizenship was restored to 7300 former citizens of Georgia.

In the same period, 10 821 negative clearances for the granting of Georgian citizenship were sent from the Public Services Development Agency to the Administration of the President due to the existence of grounds for refusing to obtain Georgian citizenship through naturalization, also, on the basis of negative assessments by the Citizenship Issues Commission - considering the absence of conditions for granting Georgian citizenship. Based on said conclusions, the legal act of the President of Georgia was not issued, which was considered as a refusal to satisfy the issue of Georgian citizenship.

Georgian News submitted a request for 2012-2023 records on granting of the citizenship on May 5, although, the data was provided to us only after an administrative complaint had been filed. According to the explanation by the presidential administration, from 2012 to September 4, 2018, the administrative body authorized to produce citizenship statistics was the Public Service Development Agency of the Ministry of Justice. The agency did not provide us with the requested information even after submitting an administrative complaint, which is why Georgian News filed a lawsuit with the court.

Georgian News
Georgian News
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