Toloraia: Physical Confrontations, Threats, and Violence Reported in 38 Districts

The Russian law of the Georgian Dream party threatens independent media and civil society organizations and hinders Georgia from joining the European Union.

Russian law establishes Putin's rules in Georgia, which has eliminated free speech in Russia.

When you are oppressed, there will be no one to cover your problem and stand by you.

Georgian News will resist the Russian intention of the Georgian Dream to the end!

Incidents of physical confrontations, threats, and violence were reported in 38 precincts, while unauthorized individuals were present in 139 precincts, Londa Toloraia, the founder of Your Vote to the European Union.

As she said, the election process will be hindered by physical violence and pressure on observers and journalists. Additionally, it is taking place against a backdrop of violations of the secrecy of voting, failure to fulfill the marking obligation, and significant violations of the voter verification process.

"By 16:00, we had received information from 1227 districts. As per the data provided by our observers, from 11:00 to 15:00, the marking rule was violated, and votes were cast without marking in 70 precincts. Voting secrecy was breached in 47 precincts, and unauthorized individuals were present in 139 precincts. Instances of physical confrontations, threats, and violence were recorded in 38 precincts. At polling stations where voting is conducted using electronic technologies, various types of defects related to electronic systems were detected in 133 stations. At 92 polling stations, the electronic procedures were unclear and confusing for voters, which delayed the voting process. Additionally, violations in voter verification through the verification machine were detected in 11 precincts, and our observers were prevented from observing in 61 precincts," Toloraia stated.

Based on My Vote data, there are significant issues in Shida Kartli, specifically in Kareli, Kaspi, and Gori, as well as in Kvemo Kartli, particularly in Marneuli and Bolnisi. Moreover, non-compliance with the marking/checking procedure, interference in the observation of the verification process, and malfunctions of the marking liquid/apparatus were identified in Tbilisi.

The severity and number of election violations in Shida Kartli and Kvemo Kartli, including the failure to conduct the marking/checking procedure, obstructing the observation of the verification process, malfunctioning of the marking fluid/machine, and violence against observers and their expulsion from the precincts, collectively raise reasonable suspicion of systematic election manipulation in these regions. Additionally, cases of violations of voting secrecy have been noted as a concern in these areas.

It remains a systemic problem to prevent our observers from monitoring the verification machines to identify suspicious voters, particularly in Shida Kartli.

Outside the precincts, voter registration is being recorded using personal data by coordinators of the ruling party, Georgian Dream, which constitutes an illegal control of the voter's will.

Instances have been identified where commission members hinted to voters to cast their votes in favor of Georgian Dream.

Currently, voter turnout is high compared to previous parliamentary elections, with queues observed at almost all polling stations. Voter turnout is particularly strong at polling stations opened abroad.

As of now, voting at the 69th polling station in Marneuli has been suspended due to the stuffing of ballots, which was observed by a coalition observer. Despite damage to the equipment at the polling station, the election process continues at the 23rd polling station in Baghdati.

"At present, 184 complaints have been filed with the Precinct Election Commission, 27 with the District Election Commission, and 133 notes have been recorded in the record book," states the monitoring union's report.

Georgian News
Georgian News
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