10 People Illegally Detained in Occupied Tskhinvali

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The 121st meeting of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM) is being held in the village of Ergneti, with one of the main issues being the release of Georgian citizens illegally detained in Tskhinvali. Following the previous meeting on July 23, representatives of the Russian occupation forces arrested six people for the so-called illegal border crossing.

According to Irakli Antadze, Deputy Head of the Analytical Department of the State Security Service, the most recent incident - the arrest of father and son, Goderdzi and Ucha Jokhadze - occurred a few days ago in the occupied territory. The de facto authorities released the elderly father, while the son remains in the Tskhinvali detention center.

"At today's meeting, as well as the previous one, emphasis will be placed on the timely return of illegally detained persons to their families. As of today, 10 people are in illegal detention," Antadze said.

Two of the six arrested individuals are citizens of Tajikistan. According to information from the de facto authorities, it was determined that the foreigners had unintentionally crossed the "state border of South Ossetia." On September 11, the so-called Tskhinvali court declared them lawbreakers and fined them. They will be handed over to the central government of Georgia "according to the established procedure."

According to Antadze, between the meetings, eight instances of borderization were observed in the villages of the Kareli and Gori municipalities, during which representatives of the occupying forces laid so-called fire protection lines and erected metal poles to tie wires.

The delegation from the so-called de facto government of South Ossetia at the Ergneti meeting again demanded the removal of the "illegal Georgian police post" in the occupied village of Tsnelisi (Uista).

Georgian News
Georgian News
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