31,000 Ukrainian Soldiers Died in War, Says Zelensky

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31,000 Ukrainian soldiers were killed in the war over two years, while Russia's losses are six times greater, said President of Ukraine.

“31,000 Ukrainian soldiers have died in this war,” Volodymyr Zelensky said at a press conference on February 25. “Not 300,000, not 150,000, as Putin and his circle lie, but each one is a huge loss for us.”

According to the President of Ukraine, 180,000 Russian soldiers have died in the war. “I don't know how many are missing, but I know that there are up to 500,000 wounded people,” he said.

As a rule, neither Ukraine nor Russia publishes information about their losses. At yesterday's press conference, Zelensky did not specify the number of wounded servicemen. He also did not say how many are missing.

“We know that tens of thousands of Ukrainians have been killed in the occupied territories,” the President of Ukraine said.

On February 24, two years have passed since the start of the war by Russia against Ukraine. According to the information released by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Russia's losses are as follows: 409,010 soldiers, 6,534 tanks, 12,425 armored vehicles, 12,988 vehicles and tankers, 9,952 artillery systems, 999 multiple missile systems, 684 air defense systems, 340 aircraft, 325 helicopters, and 7,659 operational-tactical drones.

Volodymyr Zelensky states that in order to radically change the situation on the front and gain an advantage, Ukraine needs more diverse weapons.

Georgian News
Georgian News
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