Revaz Mikhanashvili, a 51-year-old resident of the village of Ateni, died at the Gori military hospital. According to the prosecutor's office, Demetri Revazashvili, a fellow villager and inspector in the Department of Special Tasks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, inflicted severe, life-threatening injuries.
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Revaz Mikhanashvili was beaten on July 29. Upon admission to the hospital, his condition was assessed as critical, with a traumatic brain injury.
At a session held on August 2, Tbilisi City Court Judge Tamar Mchedlishvili ordered that 31-year-old Demetri Revazashvili be remanded in custody as a preventive measure. Revazashvili does not admit guilt.
Another person accused in the same case, Ioseb Barjadze, is currently wanted. The prosecutor's office initially charged him with failing to report the crime, but later upgraded the charge to intentional serious injury to health. New evidence obtained during the investigation established that Demetri Revazashvili and Ioseb Barjadze, "acting in concert, inflicted severe, life-threatening injuries to the head and body" of the victim. If found guilty, they face 9 to 13 years in prison.