As per to the Investigative Committee of Armenia, the National Security Service thwarted "the seizure of powers of the Government of the Republic of Armenia through the use of violence." The committee reported that five Armenian citizens, two former residents of Nagorno-Karabakh, and individuals whose identities have not yet been established were involved in the crime.
“In particular, the said persons, with the aim of seizing power in the RA, by prior agreement, under the pretext of undergoing three-month training in the Russian Federation and familiarizing themselves during the training with new types of heavy weapons, training in their use, and after returning to the RA, carrying out combat duty, as well as transferring knowledge to other persons, for the payment of about 220,000 Russian rubles per month to each during 2024, recruited a number of citizens of the RA and a number of former residents of Nagorno-Karabakh,” the investigative committee stated.
The Investigative Committee alleges that the recruits were sent to Rostov-on-Don, Russia, where they underwent screening, including polygraph tests, to assess their political views. Following this, the mercenaries were placed at the "Arbat" military base, where they received combat training.
"They were informed that the goal of the exercises was to return to the Republic of Armenia and remove the current government," the Investigative Committee stated, adding that some recruits refused to participate in the crime and returned to Armenia, while others were unable to complete the crime.
The Investigative Committee has initiated a criminal case against seven individuals. Three have been detained, and a search has been launched for the remaining four.