The district court of Mtskheta accepted the lawsuit of the non-governmental organization Center for Civil Activities with the request to arrange a safe road to the village of Andak’i in Khevsureti.
The villages of Khevsureti – Andak’i, Archilo, Khakhabos Chala, Chimgha, and Blo, still do not have roads, which is why the population has no access to state emergency services, including emergency medical care.
In 2020, with the funds allocated to several villages of Khevsureti within the rural support program, the local government built a road up to Andak’i village. The works were carried out without design or prior study. The newly constructed road lasted for several days before it was covered by a landslide, and in many places, washed away by the river.
To reach their homes, the residents of Andaki and Archilo have to cross 6-10 dangerous footbridges over the river Andakistskali. Almost all bridges are deteriorated and on the verge of collapse. Where footbridges have already collapsed, people have to enter and cross the river. Andakistskali has its source in the main watershed of Caucasus, always carries strong currents, often overflows, and it is dangerous to cross it on foot.
The people of Khevsureti count more than 40 people who drowned in the river over the last few decades, due to a lack of a safe road.
According to Vladimir Kutateladze, the lawyer of the Center for Civil Activities, apart from being denied their constitutional rights, the people of Andaki and Archilo are unable to improve their socio-economic conditions.
In a 2019 interview with Mountain Stories, Irakli Karseladze, the chairman of the Department of Roads of Georgia (currently the Minister of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia) said that the road to Archilo would be built by the end of 2020: ‘’A dirt road will be arranged that will enable safe passage. The problems of today will be no more. We are talking about a German-standard 5.5-meter-wide road. This is the minimum for two cars to pass each other and enable unhindered traffic.’’ The promise was not fulfilled.
Before submitting the lawsuit to court, the Center for Civil Activities applied to the mayor of Dusheti municipality. According to the statement by Mayor Manana Narimanidze, ‘’Due to the complexity of the terrain and geological layout, as well as the estimated cost of the project, the municipality’s budget does have appropriate funds for the construction of a capital road on the Ardoti-Andaki-Archilo section.’’