Gakharia: Khazaradze Requested One Day, Our Position Remains Clear

The Russian law of the Georgian Dream party threatens independent media and civil society organizations and hinders Georgia from joining the European Union.

Russian law establishes Putin's rules in Georgia, which has eliminated free speech in Russia.

When you are oppressed, there will be no one to cover your problem and stand by you.

Georgian News will resist the Russian intention of the Georgian Dream to the end!

"From our side, everything is clear, our position is Clear, and nothing is secret. Khazaradze asked for one more day," said Giorgi Gakharia, chairman of the For Georgia party, following a meeting with Mamuka Khazaradze, leader of the Strong Georgia coalition, and President Salome Zourabichvili at the Orbeliani Palace.

"I want to thank Madam President, as I am here first and foremost because of her proposal. It was her initiative, one we could not refuse, and to which we agreed.

Of course, I also want to thank Mamuka Khazaradze for this conversation finally happening. I don’t want to get into too many details, but I can tell you that everything is clear on my side. My position is expressed, and nothing is a secret. Khazaradze requested more time, as it seems he has matters to discuss with his team. This is the reason the negotiations were postponed. My position is clear and firm, reflecting Madam President’s efforts to ensure that the country holds elections that will put Georgia back on the path to normal, democratic, and European development," Gakharia said.

After the meeting, Khazaradze remarked that the negotiations were ongoing and they had taken a break.

"First of all, I would like to thank Madam President, and also Giorgi. We met face to face and discussed many things, including the past, but most importantly, the future. I want to emphasize that the country is at a crossroads, facing great danger - it is either the Russian path or the European path of freedom. Despite our differences on many issues, we agreed on one thing: we will do everything to fully mobilize and ensure that Georgian Dream, under Bidzina Ivanishvili’s leadership, is removed from power and that the country is swiftly put back on the path of European development," Khazaradze said.

Khazaradze was also asked about the previous conflict between him and Giorgi Gakharia.

"there was a conflict between us, I won’t deny it. The disagreement, as you recall, was over a very important project - Anaklia. We need to agree that Anaklia must be developed with European and American investments. Of course, the Chinese could also be involved in this project, but this is one of the main points of agreement, and we must resolve this issue. This is not someone’s personal project; it is a national project. We have seen it stalled for five years, with Georgian Dream abandoning it. If we want the country to develop, this issue must be part of our agreement," Khazaradze said.

Before the parliamentary elections, President Salome Zurabishvili called on Giorgi Gakharia's and Mamuka Khazaradze’s parties to unite into one electoral entity.

"The decision is in the hands of two pro-European forces. I hope that at such a critical moment for the country, they will be able to take a step that brings voters more clarity, certainty, and a sense of empowerment. A step that will also show voters that political parties can put aside their differences for the sake of saving the country and play a crucial role in preserving its European future, something no one will forget," Zourabichvili said on September 16.

Georgian News
Georgian News
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