Georgian Dream Threatens to Cancel UNM and Other Parties if They Secure Constitutional Majority

The Russian law of the Georgian Dream party threatens independent media and civil society organizations and hinders Georgia from joining the European Union.

Russian law establishes Putin's rules in Georgia, which has eliminated free speech in Russia.

When you are oppressed, there will be no one to cover your problem and stand by you.

Georgian News will resist the Russian intention of the Georgian Dream to the end!

The ruling Georgian Dream plans to cancel the United National Movement and all its "satellite or successor parties" if they obtain a constitutional majority in parliament following the October 26 elections. According to the statement from the ruling party's political council, this is the first of four reasons why they will aim to secure at least 113 seats.

Georgian Dream notes that they need to demonstrate to "external patrons" that the removal of the collective National Movement from the political system is the decision of the largest constitutional majority of the Georgian people.

"Upon obtaining a constitutional majority, we will initiate a legal process that will result in the United National Movement and all its satellite or successor parties being declared unconstitutional…

The October elections should serve as a kind of Nuremberg political judgment for the National Movement, creating a solid foundation for the relevant legal process.

Considering the external factor, it is necessary for the Georgian Dream to secure a constitutional majority to judge the National Movement.

When the same political force holds power for more than three terms, it casts a shadow over the democratic process. In a healthy democratic system, political forces that surpass each other should periodically replace one another in power, which is currently impossible. Full-fledged elections in Georgia will only occur once healthy opposition forces replace the collective National Movement in the political system. Declaring the collective National Movement unconstitutional is a necessary condition for establishing long-term peace in Georgia and proper democratic public institutions," states the political council of the ruling party.

The statement also mentions that the ruling party needs a constitutional majority to pass a homophobic constitutional bill. "After the adoption of this constitutional law, no one will be able to legalize same-sex civil partnerships, adoption by same-sex couples, sex change operations, legal recognition of genders other than male and female, the promotion of pseudo-liberal ideology in educational institutions and mass media, or other vices that have already led many countries to serious consequences," states Georgian Dream.

The ruling party notes that if Georgia's territorial integrity is restored peacefully, it will be necessary to amend the Constitution of Georgia. "Accordingly, the Georgian Dream needs a constitutional majority to ensure that no one can obstruct the implementation of necessary constitutional changes if needed."

Georgian Dream also points out a fourth issue, which, if settled by the constitution, could be crucial for protecting Georgia's identity and national values. However, consultations on this issue are still ongoing, and information will be shared with citizens by the end of the month.

Additionally, the ruling party notes that the more votes they receive, the more "quickly and effectively" Georgia's relations with the United States and the European Union will improve.

"The greater the electoral support for Georgian Dream, the less temptation there will be for those who wish to disrupt the country, return the local war party to power, and open a second front in Georgia. The greater the electoral support for Georgian Dream, the more peaceful November, December, and the next four years will be. The greater the support for Georgian Dream, the fewer barriers will be faced in overall progress and economic development. Accordingly, we need strong electoral support to eliminate even the theoretical risk of losing the country," states the Political Council of Georgian Dream.

Georgian News
Georgian News
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