Gvaramia: We Refuse to Acknowledge Election Results, Reveal Scheme Behind Vote Theft

The Russian law of the Georgian Dream party threatens independent media and civil society organizations and hinders Georgia from joining the European Union.

Russian law establishes Putin's rules in Georgia, which has eliminated free speech in Russia.

When you are oppressed, there will be no one to cover your problem and stand by you.

Georgian News will resist the Russian intention of the Georgian Dream to the end!


Nika Gvaramia, leader of the Coalition for Change, stated that the parties Ahali, Girchi - More Freedom, and Droa do not recognize the results of the elections. "There has been a usurpation of the government in Georgia. This is a constitutional coup. Georgian Dream is the author of this constitutional coup and will definitely answer for it according to Georgian legislation," Gvaramia said, adding that they have deciphered the scheme by which Dream stole the elections.

"We promised to protect the votes, and we apologize for not being as successful in deciphering this complex technological scheme. We only discovered this problem after the election was rigged, but we must discuss it with you.

Our main decision, absolutely without alternatives and one we will not reverse or revise, is that Georgian Dream cannot remain in power in this country.

These are stolen elections, a usurpation of power, and a constitutional coup. It won't happen. This is not Russia; this is not Venezuela; it is Georgia. I want to remind everyone, including Bidzina Ivanishvili, that he has, or may have had, the last chance to go down in history with at least a slightly positive perspective by acknowledging a peaceful handover of power. Since he did not do this, we have our own way, our own solutions, and we are already engaging with the Georgian people. We no longer communicate with the government.

Two of the most highly qualified international organizations - both American - one commissioned by Mtavari and the other commissioned by Formula, conducted exit polls with virtually identical results. Both are prepared to undergo an international audit regarding the results of the exit polls.

It is completely impossible for the exit poll results to be so different from the election results. The votes received so far - 52% - are only from technologically equipped districts. Imagine the results that will come from areas where the calculations are done by hand. No one, neither in Georgia nor outside of Georgia, will recognize these elections," Gvaramia stated.

Tengiz Tevzadze, head of the election headquarters for the Coalition for Change, spoke about the election fraud scheme.

"What we can say for sure is that Georgian Dream, along with the registrars, has been involved in a scheme over the last three months. They initially took ID cards from their own voters, verified these voters, digitized their data, and added it to the verification machines at different precincts by duplicating it. This means that, on average, 30 000 to 40 000 voters from Georgian Dream could have been divided by visiting at least four precincts, resulting in the recording of votes from approximately 200 000 voters.

This assertion is supported by two arguments: one is that it could have been insured by marking, which is done by registrars who are members of Georgian Dream and appointed by them. According to a law adopted a year ago, the registrar is a member appointed by the district and selected by Georgian Dream.

Additionally, we have observed an imbalance between the final results and the turnout, with a discrepancy of about 45 000 ballots. We are also investigating this aspect.

In this context, it is essential to conduct an external audit by a neutral international organization to determine whether other identities were entered into the machine, allowing citizens to vote at different polling stations without triggering a signal from the verification machine. The devices are not connected to each other, and the devices in different areas are not synchronized. Therefore, if such a decision was made, it could not be blocked. We are deeply convinced that such a decision was made, and the only thing that could disprove it is an audit conducted by international organizations. However, we are not going to wait for this audit, as the election administration and administrators must take responsibility and explain what actually happened," Tevzadze stated.

The Chairman of the Central Election Commission, Giorgi Kalandarishvili, stated that based on the results from 2206 out of 3111 polling stations, Georgian Dream received nearly 53% of the votes, while Coalition for Change received 11.2%, Unity - National Movement 9.83%, Strong Georgia 9.02%, and Gakharia - For Georgia 8.22%.

As per the results of the exit poll conducted by Edison Research on behalf of Formula television company, Georgian Dream received 40.9% of the votes, while the opposition received a total of 51.9%.

Georgian News
Georgian News
is an independent socio-political online edition. The website is operated by the Information Resources Network (IRN).