It Should Be Checked: National Movement Requests Access to CEC Devices and Receipts

The Russian law of the Georgian Dream party threatens independent media and civil society organizations and hinders Georgia from joining the European Union.

Russian law establishes Putin's rules in Georgia, which has eliminated free speech in Russia.

When you are oppressed, there will be no one to cover your problem and stand by you.

Georgian News will resist the Russian intention of the Georgian Dream to the end!

According to Tamar Kordzaia, a leader of Unity - National Movement, the only way to prove mass manipulation is by verifying the documentation.

Unity - National Movement analyzed precinct results throughout the night and concluded that these results were achieved through manipulation. We do not recognize the election results, as they reflect multifaceted manipulation evident in the ballots and minutes.

Yesterday, a massive violation of voting secrecy was uncovered. When secrecy is violated, we cannot claim that voters had the opportunity to make a free choice. Throughout the day, it was repeatedly stated that the vote was visible on the ballot itself, meaning it was possible to see who the voter had chosen by looking at the flipped ballot.

Regarding the new election system, the voter lists on verification machines were not transparent. We had no opportunity to observe these lists and verify any duplication, leading us to believe that the authorities had ample opportunity to alter the lists.

Therefore, we believe it is necessary for the Central Election Commission to grant us access to both the verification machines and the verification receipts, which are sealed and stored at the CEC. It is also crucial to investigate the issues of ID card confiscation and the creation of additional ID cards.

Additionally, the marking fluid was of inadequate quality, failing to leave marks on fingers, or people were allowed to pass without being marked. We witnessed several people voting twice, either in different precincts or within the same one. The lack of control over lists, duplication, ID cards, and marking allowed for widespread manipulation.

Furthermore, the tablet and its Internet connection should be examined to confirm whether a verification machine was present, as the Central Election Commission had the technical capability for this.

In areas where the electronic system was not used, we observed widespread ballot-stuffing methods reminiscent of Shevardnadze’s era," Kordzaia stated.

In response, the Chairman of the Central Election Commission, Giorgi Kalandarishvili, dismissed the claims regarding voter list duplication as unfounded.

"The smooth operation of electronic technologies was confirmed by an international auditing company. We have officially submitted the results of the first and second phase audits, which unequivocally confirm this, and, once the documents are translated, they will be publicly available to all parties involved. This includes addressing the manipulative claims of alleged list duplication in the unified voter lists, particularly in the verification section," Kalandarishvili said.

Georgian News
Georgian News
is an independent socio-political online edition. The website is operated by the Information Resources Network (IRN).