Ivanishvili to Supporters: There Will Be No Lies, No Betrayal, No Deception

The Russian law of the Georgian Dream party threatens independent media and civil society organizations and hinders Georgia from joining the European Union.

Russian law establishes Putin's rules in Georgia, which has eliminated free speech in Russia.

When you are oppressed, there will be no one to cover your problem and stand by you.

Georgian News will resist the Russian intention of the Georgian Dream to the end!

After the publication of the exit poll by Imedi TV company, indicating that the ruling party garnered 56.1% of the vote, Bidzina Ivanishvili, honorary chairman of Georgian Dream, congratulated supporters on the results and promised they would accomplish "a lot" in the next 4 years.

"Thank you to our voters, who have followed us with such loyalty for the fourth election. More elections have been held, but parliamentary elections are considered the primary elections. It is rare globally for the same party to achieve such success under such challenging circumstances. This is a strong indicator of the talent of the Georgian people.

I assure you, and our society and voters, that although there are countries wealthier than ours with a longer history of democracy, our society is in no way lesser than that of any wealthy country, I assure you. Here, it is precisely this awareness, the understanding of who to vote for and where to lead the country, that is crucial for us. I am confident that, in the near future, our country will achieve significant success.

I assure you that in the near future, in the next 4 years, we will accomplish a great deal, and in the next 4 years, Georgia will be among the most successful countries, not like today, when we are begging certain people for ratings.

For our part, Georgian Dream will certainly honor this trust. I believe the team of leaders we have today represents the best of our society. Starting with the Prime Minister, who exemplifies education, credibility, and culture. We have many successful members on our team; I see parliamentarians, athletes, and other accomplished individuals here, which makes me very happy.

Know this: the team will not stop working to achieve the best results for Georgia in every area.

There will be no lies, no betrayal, and no deception. This, I promise you. Politics often breeds deception, unfortunately, and we must also acknowledge this.

"Thank you very much once again to our voters. Congratulations, and I won’t lie to you - these people will definitely serve you. They will work for you and serve your interests, not their own. I won't speak about those who are trying to take Georgia away on someone else's orders. Congratulations, congratulations, and we will fulfill all we have promised," said Bidzina Ivanishvili.

GORBI conducted the exit poll on behalf of Imedi. The results published by the TV company are as follows: Georgian Dream - 56.1%; Unity - National Movement - 11.6%; Coalition for Change - 12.6%; and Strong Georgia - 7%. According to this survey, the parties Gakharia for Georgia (4.8%), Girchi (3%), Patriots Alliance (2.2%), and others did not pass the electoral threshold. A total of 18 political parties participated in the elections.

The results of exit polls commissioned by Formula and Mtavari Arkhi differ significantly, showing the ruling party with only 40.9% and 42%, respectively.

Georgian News
Georgian News
is an independent socio-political online edition. The website is operated by the Information Resources Network (IRN).