President of Georgia Honors Olympians and Paralympians

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President Salome Zourabichvili awarded various state honors to the participants of the 2024 Paris Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games, along with their coaches, doctors, and representatives from the Olympic and Paralympic Committees.

Among those honored with the Order of Victory named after St. George were: Lasha Talakhadze, three-time Olympic champion in weightlifting; Lasha Bekauri, two-time Olympic champion in judo; Giga Ockhikidze, Paralympic champion in para-athletics (core wrestling); Geno Petriashvili, Olympic champion in freestyle wrestling; Lasha Shavdatuashvili, champion in various Olympic Games, silver and bronze medalist in judo

In her speech, Zourabichvili emphasized that these athletes not only earned medals, awards, and prizes but also received the people's love, "which cannot be surpassed."

"It is thanks to you that the world heard the name of Georgia and saw the face of our country. The achievements of our athletes demonstrate that we can compete with even larger countries when we have the right attitude, dedication, professionalism, and tireless work, coupled with unity!

This year, we received a significant result and great hope from Europe. Our football players brought us directly to Europe, while our Olympians and Paralympians showcased Georgia as a serious contender in the heart of Europe, in Paris. In both instances, we celebrated not only the victories of individual athletes but also the success of our country and its prominence on the world stage.

There is perhaps no greater joy than witnessing the entire society coming together in celebration. This is the true power of sports - to bring people together and create happiness, and it has indeed happened!

We also witnessed unity when our Olympians and Paralympians demonstrated that victory is not limited by physical ability. Today, I wanted us to celebrate their victories together, and this public celebration serves that purpose. It is exemplary - a model of inclusiveness and equality! This is the strength of a society free from discrimination and division.

I believe that this public celebration is the foremost proof that, despite our differences and the current polarization, we can still find joy together. In this way, society showcases its strength and dignity.

And to you, athletes! Whether winners or participants, the people of your country honor you today.

You have not only earned medals, awards, and prizes; you have received something much more valuable, something that cannot be changed, and that is the love of your people! May you cherish, nurture, and preserve this love throughout your lives and future victories.

Once again, in this challenging period of our history, our country needs you - future generations and young people who look up to you with bright eyes and expect an example from you. An example of professionalism, dedication, and determination," said the President.

Government representatives did not attend the event, despite the President's invitation. Rati Yonatamishvili, President of the Paralympic Committee of Georgia and a deputy of "Georgian Dream" in the parliament, attended the ceremony and received the Medal of Honor from Salome Zurabishvili.

After receiving the award, two-time Olympic champion Lasha Bekauri told journalists, "I completely separate myself from the political views of Salome Zourabichvili. I believe this award is from my people. I am here because the President's office holds significant value for me. As for Ms. Salome Zourabichvili, I completely disagree with her political views.

I believe that my homeland deserves a more worthy, orthodox president who will truly represent the interests of the Georgian people," Bekauri said.

Three-time Olympic champion weightlifter Lasha Talakhadze, who was recently nominated by Georgian Dream to the top of the election list, also commented. He does not support Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze's statements labeling Salome Zurabishvili as a "traitor to the country."

"I have not been called a traitor to the country, and I am not calling anyone a traitor. Ask those who are making such accusations against Mrs. President," Talakhadze told the journalist. He thanked the President for the award and stated that it is his duty to honor Georgians who achieve great success on the world stage.

Georgian News
Georgian News
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