16-Year-Old Teenager Still Hospitalized After Falling Ill in Dedoplistskaro Artificial Lake

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A 16-year-old girl remains in the Ingorokva Clinic in Tbilisi after fainting in the artificial lake in the newly built central park of Dedoplistskaro yesterday. Her condition is serious.

According to locals, the girl was swimming in an artificial lake with other teenagers when she became sick. An emergency medical crew was called to the scene and transported her to a local medical facility. The head of the clinic, Khatuna Agladze, told Georgian News that the girl was unconscious when she was brought in, and her heart function was restored after 40 minutes. She was then taken to Tbilisi by the disaster brigade in a comatose state. When asked what caused the comatose state, the doctor said, "suffocation."

The rehabilitation of Dedoplistskaro Central Park, which cost more than 14 million GEL, has been ongoing since 2023 within the framework of the "Renewed Regions" program initiated by the Prime Minister. The project was implemented by Rebuild LLC. The company states that the work was completed on July 25, but it has not yet been handed over to the Municipal Development Fund. The same is stated by Scientific-Project Technological Enterprise in Industry Ltd., which was responsible for supervising the work.

The artificial lake, covering one hectare in the central park, was intended for decorative purposes, but locals say they often swam there. It is unclear who was responsible for security in the park. Dedoplistskaro City Hall refuses to comment on the incident.

The police are conducting an investigation under Article 115 of the Criminal Code, which refers to suicide.

Georgian News
Georgian News
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