The Armenian government has recognized the state of Palestine and declared that violence against civilians is unacceptable.

A statement released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs today, June 21, declares that the catastrophic humanitarian situation in Gaza and the ongoing military conflict are among the top issues on the international political agenda that require resolution.

“The Republic of Armenia categorically rejects the targeting of civilian infrastructure, violence against the civilian population and the hostage-taking of civilians during armed conflict, joining the international community's demands for their unconditional release.

The Republic of Armenia has joined the resolutions of the UN General Assembly calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. Furthermore, the Republic of Armenia is genuinely committed to establishing peace and stability in the Middle East and lasting reconciliation between the Jewish and Palestinian peoples. On various international platforms, our position has consistently been in favor of a peaceful and comprehensive settlement of the Palestinian issue, and we support the "two-state" solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We are convinced that this is the only way to ensure that both Palestinians and Israelis can fulfill their legitimate aspirations.

Based on the foregoing and reaffirming our commitment to international law and the principles of equality, sovereignty, and peaceful coexistence of peoples, the Republic of Armenia recognizes the State of Palestine,” the statement reads.

On May 22, three EU member states - Norway, Ireland, and Spain - announced the recognition of Palestine as an independent state. In response, Israel recalled ambassadors from all three countries for consultations, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the recognition of Palestine a reward for terrorism. The issue of recognizing Palestine was also discussed in the Danish parliament, although the deputies did not support it.

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