Gori-Ateni Metropolitan Andria Gvazava Defended his Thesis at Russian University

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The Metropolitan of Gori and Ateni, Andria Gvazava, who is a member of the Holy Synod of the Georgian Orthodox Church, defended his thesis in Moscow, at the Saint Tikhon's Orthodox University of Humanities, a few days ago.

The statement published by the university states that on July 12, in order to obtain the degree of candidate of theology, the Georgian metropolitan successfully defended his thesis on the topic - Statute of “Vahani Caves”: Place and Significance in Ancient Georgian Monastic Traditions.’’

“The work is dedicated to the study of the meaning of the content and the circumstances of the creation of one of the oldest Georgian monasteries - the famous Vahani Monastery (Vahani Caves),” says the statement published on the university's website.

Alexander Shchelkachev and Pyotr Malkov, the employees of the same university, were the scientific supervisors of Metropolitan Andria's work.

“Members of the Dissertation Council unanimously supported the awarding of the candidate degree of theology to Metropolitan Andria, and also expressed their wish that such an important work for the development of the modern tradition of Georgian monastic life should be translated and published in Georgian soon,” the university statement reads.

The university also publishes the abstract of the dissertation written in Russian.

St. Tikhon's Orthodox Humanitarian University also received education from the Catholicos-Patriarch of Georgia, Ilia II, Metropolitan Shio (Mujiri) of Senaki and Chkhorotsku. In particular, in 2006, he graduated from the theological faculty of this university with a bachelor, and in 2015, after completing his post-graduate studies, he defended his thesis, for which he was awarded the degree of candidate of theology.

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