Kobakhidze: Risch's Comment to Throw the Rascals out from Georgian Politics Aligns with Our Promise

The Russian law of the Georgian Dream party threatens independent media and civil society organizations and hinders Georgia from joining the European Union.

Russian law establishes Putin's rules in Georgia, which has eliminated free speech in Russia.

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The Prime Minister of Georgia, Irakli Kobakhidze, in response to American Senator Jim Risch's statement, said that after the elections, their election promise is to “throw the rascals out” from politics.

"Risch said that after these elections, the Vigindars will leave Georgian space and politics. I think that's true. This is our promise. After these elections, all rascals - using his term - should be banned from Georgian politics," said Kobakhidze.

He described the senator as a fervent supporter of the United National Movement and stated that Risch cannot be an impartial observer of the October 26 parliamentary elections.

"If you want to be an impartial observer, you should not show bias at all. Risch claims to be an impartial observer of the elections from the US Senate, yet he refers to one of the political entities, specifically the ruling party, as rascal. What is the value of any of his statements after that? They are worthless. When the criticism is entirely unfair and unjust, nothing matters," the Prime Minister said.

Jim Risch, the senior member of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee from the Republican Party, stated at a committee hearing on September 12 that the citizens of Georgia will have the opportunity in October to "overcome unpreparedness and gain control over their own future." They will be closely watching the elections, the senator.

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Georgian News
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