Ministry of Internal Affairs Employee Sentenced to Pre-trial Detention in a Car Accident Case

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An employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia, Tamaz Brachuli, who stands accused of colliding with a pedestrian using a vehicle and leaving the victim incapacitated, has been detained as a precautionary measure.

The motion presented by the defense counsel, seeking the release of the defendant upon posting bail of 20,000 GEL, was not granted by Judge Germane Dadeshkeliani of the Gori District Court.

The traffic incident occurred at the entrance of Dusheti city during the night of February 6. As per case records, Tamaz Brachuli, operating his personal vehicle, violated traffic regulations, resulting in a collision with a pedestrian. Prosecutors assert that subsequently, the driver deserted the injured pedestrian in a critical condition, absconded from the scene, and concealed the vehicle.

“The accused abandoned the victim, following which the victim succumbed to injuries, including head trauma. Forensic examination of the deceased's body is underway,” stated prosecutor Nino Zurabashvili.

Tamaz Brachuli was arrested on February 9 and charged under Article 128 and Article 276, Part 6 of the Criminal Code, pertaining to failure to yield the right of way and breach of traffic safety regulations resulting in loss of life. Disputing the allegations, Tamaz Brachuli contends that his impaired vision, rated at -2, prevented him from observing the pedestrian. He refutes allegations of concealing himself and the vehicle.

The preliminary hearing for the case is slated for April 5.

According to relatives, Tamaz Brachuli had served in the Dusheti temporary detention center for 25 years.

Georgian News
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