New Ukrainian Foreign Minister Recalls Temporary Trustee from Georgia

The Russian law of the Georgian Dream party threatens independent media and civil society organizations and hinders Georgia from joining the European Union.

Russian law establishes Putin's rules in Georgia, which has eliminated free speech in Russia.

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Andrii Sybiha‎, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

The new Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Andrii Sybiha‎, summoned Ukraine's temporary representative to Georgia, Mykhailo Kharyshin. Sybiha‎ explained that the decision was made due to Kharyshin's "complete misunderstanding of the reality of a nation at war." In addition, Sybiha‎ dismissed Iryna Borovets from her position as Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs.

"I announced very clear criteria for the effectiveness of the Ukrainian ambassador's work: concrete results, courage, and proactivity. Ambassadors of a country at war cannot be detached from the reality of that war. With this in mind, I decided to recall the temporary chargé d'affaires of Ukraine to Georgia," Andrii Sybiha wrote on social media following a meeting with Ukrainian ambassadors and consuls general.

He added that he is well aware of what it takes to work as an ambassador and how to improve efficiency.

"Today, every ambassador should be a player-coach who doesn't wait for instructions from the center but acts proactively, takes responsibility, and demonstrates the strength of Ukrainian diplomacy through their own example. I will support any foreign service chief who shows that kind of energy and efficiency," Sybiha said.

Sybiha was appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine on September 5, replacing Dmytro Kuleba in the position.

For more than two years, Ukraine has had a temporary representative in Georgia instead of an ambassador. On March 1, 2022, shortly after the Russian invasion, President Volodymyr Zelensky recalled Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ihor Dolhov from Tbilisi for consultations, citing the Georgian government's obstruction of volunteers attempting to assist Ukraine and its "immoral position" on sanctions. In June of the same year, Dolhov was officially relieved of his duties as ambassador.

In August 2024, in an interview with Interpressnews, temporary chargé d'affaires Mykhailo Kharyshin mentioned that, while the decree for appointing a new ambassador was being prepared, "incomprehensible rhetoric" suddenly emerged from the head of the Georgian government at the time. "It gives the impression that someone wants to undermine the once exemplary relations between Georgia and Ukraine. [...] Ukraine is not opposed to our diplomatic relations being conducted at the ambassadorial level. However, certain negative factors and tendencies, which I have already mentioned, need to be addressed. As they say, the ball is currently in Georgia's court," Kharyshin said.

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