One of Formula TV Founders Misha Mshvildadze was Attacked

Misha Mshvildadze, one of the founders and presenters of Formula TV, was attacked. According to Mshvildadze, the incident happened in the center of Tbilisi, by the entrance of a supermarket, and the attacker mentioned the patriarch.

“An unknown person attacked me at the entrance of the Carrefour supermarket. I was wearing headphones and listening to music, I didn’t even hear if he said anything before. I just passed by him, two people were standing there, and I didn’t pay attention. I suspect one of them chased after me and punched me in the face right at the entrance. Then I tripped over the stairs and fell down. I wasn’t able to get up and he kept trying to hit me from behind. This went on for about 15-20 seconds.  When I removed my headphones, I heard him mention the patriarch, something along the lines of “how dare you swear at the patriarch,” says Mshvildadze, who has bruises on his face.

The attack was likely caught by the surveillance cameras at the entrance of the supermarket. According to Mshvildadze, law enforcement acted quickly and competently.

“For now, everything is going smoothly from the side of the police, and I hope it continues that way. If the police work is called into question, this will raise the probability that this was a planned attack, and the perpetrators were acting under prior promises of impunity and assistance,” remarked Mshvildadze.

As of now, it is not known under which article the investigation has been launched. 

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