Salome Zourabichvili Urges Unification of Mamuka Khazaradze and Giorgi Gakharia

The Russian law of the Georgian Dream party threatens independent media and civil society organizations and hinders Georgia from joining the European Union.

Russian law establishes Putin's rules in Georgia, which has eliminated free speech in Russia.

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President Salome Zourabichvili expressed her support for the merger of the coalition Strong Georgia and the party of former Prime Minister Giorgi Gakharia for the October 26 parliamentary elections, which she described as "turning-point elections in the history of Georgia."

As Salome Zourabichvili stated, undecided voters are waiting for a positive third center that can provide the necessary momentum for full societal mobilization.

"I believe in this, which is why I participated in consultations with everyone and am ready to support this process as a neutral party.

The decision now rests with two pro-European forces: on one hand, the coalition Strong Georgia, and on the other, the For Georgia party. I hope that, at this crucial stage for the country, they will be able to take a step that will provide voters with greater clarity, certainty, and a sense of empowerment; a step that will also convince voters that political parties can make significant sacrifices for the country's salvation and play a crucial role in securing the European future, which no one will forget," Zourabichvili said.

The President welcomed Mamuka Khazaradze, the founder of the Strong Georgia coalition, and his statement today indicating his readiness to discuss a merger with Giorgi Gakharia For Georgia party if it aligns with voter preferences. According to Salome Zourabichvili, Gakharia is also prepared for this.

"The election calendar leaves us little time for a final decision. I fully support and am eager to see this process successfully completed and lead to victory. I am confident that this is what society expects from you," the President said.

Salome Zourabichvili invited Mamuka Khazaradze and Giorgi Gakharia to the Atoneli residence tomorrow, September 17, to finalize negotiations.

The opposition political parties have formed several coalitions for the October 26 parliamentary elections:

  • Coalition for Change – including Ahali, Girchi - More Freedom, Droa, Republicans, and the group of ethnic Azerbaijani activists Activists for the Future.
  • Strong Georgia – including Lelo, Anna Dolidze's party For the People, the political movement Freedom Square, Aleko Elisashvili's party Citizens, and the movement GEN Z for Europe.
  • Unity - National Movement – including the United National Movement, Strategy Aghmashenebeli, European Georgia, political scientist Gia Japaridze, historian Lasha Bakradze, and independent parliamentary deputies Armaz Akhvlediani and Tamar Kordzaia.

The parliamentary elections will be held with a 5% threshold. Voters will elect 150 deputies to the Parliament of Georgia for a four-year term based on the proportional election system.

Georgian News
Georgian News
is an independent socio-political online edition. The website is operated by the Information Resources Network (IRN).