Slow Dynamic Towards Deterioration is Maintained – Group of Doctors on Saakashvili’s Health

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The group of experts assembled by the Public Defender for monitoring the health of the former president of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili, states that, overall, the slow dynamics towards gradual deterioration is maintained. According to the doctors, the neurological status of the patient is practically unchanged - cognitive deficit, ataxia, hypoesthesia, and diffusive atrophy of strength are still observed.

In the report published today, August 10, signed by doctors Giorgi Grigolia, Giorgi Kacharava, Tengiz Tsuladze, Nino Zavrashvili, and Aida Gozalova, it is stated that Mikheil Saakashvili has microcytic anemia, which deepens and is managed by the clinic with infusions of blood and its products.

“In the data from May 22-23, 2023, hematocrit was 22%, reticulocytes 0.5% (5‰), indicating that the reticulocyte product index is 0.1 and highly likely means an inadequate bone marrow response. Such data accompanied by elevated ferritin and normal iron are indicative of chronic disease (in this case, protein-deficient malnutrition - starvation). This is indicated by hypoproteinemia and hypofibrinogenemia. Electrolyte imbalance is also a result of nutritional deficiency,” the experts concluded.

As for the management of the patient in the clinic, the group of doctors of the Public Defender has no special remarks in this regard. Symptomatic treatment continues, which, according to experts, is a pragmatic approach. The treating doctors assess the patient’s condition as stable, requiring attention, and of average severity. According to the experts, only one record dated May 31 shows that the situation remains serious.

‘’It is noteworthy that since July 14, 2023, he has shown a decrease in white blood cells (leukopenia), which may also be the result of bone marrow suppression, and if this trend persists and there is no technical problem with the counting, then this means that bone marrow suppression is now more pronounced than it was before, which is a sign of deterioration of the situation as a whole. An alternative problem of leukopenia can also be a deficiency of vitamin B12 and folate as a result of malnutrition, which in this sense indicates a worsening of the condition. There may be other alternative reasons, for example, a viral infection,’’ we read in the conclusion of the experts.

The group of doctors will continue to monitor Mikheil Saakashvili's health condition and periodically, with intervals of 2-4 months, visit the patient, as well as study the medical documentation. Another visit is planned for September.

55-year-old Mikheil Saakashvili, who has been sentenced to 6 years in prison, has been in Vivamedi, a contractor clinic of the Special Penitentiary Service since May 2022. On July 3, 2023, for the first time since February, Saakashvili appeared at his trial. The video revealed that his health condition was serious. On the same day, the President of Ukraine Vylodymir Zelinsky issued a statement and called on the Georgian authorities to transfer the Ukrainian citizen to Ukraine for the necessary treatment and care. Zelensky said that Mikheil Saakashvili is being killed by Russia at the hands of the Georgian government. He instructed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to summon the Georgian ambassador to Ukraine and send him to Tbilisi for consultations. Ambassador Giorgi Zakarashvili returned to Tbilisi, although the government rules out consultations on the issue of Saakashvili.

Georgian News
Georgian News
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