According to the State Security Service of Georgia, a certain group plans to organize a subversion and civil uprising, with the ultimate goal of overthrowing the government through violent means. According to Bacha Mgeladze, the Deputy Director of the Counter-Terrorist Center, the period has been intentionally selected when the European Commission's interim and EU’s final conclusions regarding Georgia’s status as a candidate for EU membership should be published.
The statement of the security service is not substantiated by any concrete evidence.
‘’The conspirators preparing to overthrow the government are banking on the possibility that the conclusion will be negative, which, considering the information networks at their disposal and the artificially attached label of ‘’pro-Russianness’’ to the government, will create a fertile ground for public unrest and further riots.
One of the authors of the said plan is Giorgi Lortkipanidze, the former deputy of the ex-Minister of Internal Affairs of Georgia, Vano Merabishvili, and the current deputy head of military intelligence of Ukraine, and ethnic Georgians under him, including the former member of the third president's guard, Mikheil Baturin, and also a member of Saakashvili's close entourage, Mamuka Mamulashvili, commander of the Georgian Legion operating in Ukraine. It should be emphasized that the implementation of said plan is planned with the coordination and financial support of foreign countries.
Based on confirmed and verified intelligence, to fulfill the plan developed by Giorgi Lortkipanidze
A rather large group of Georgian nationals fighting in Ukraine and a part of Georgian youth influenced by interested parties, whose training is being conducted near the Polish-Ukraine state border, will be used.
The organization ‘’Canvas’’, the core of which is the organization ‘’Otpor’’ (resistance), is being used to prepare the youth groups for the revolutionary scenario. It is these organizations that took an active part in the revolutionary movements in Serbia in the past and are regularly used in different countries to train young people and involve them in destabilizing processes.
Several scenarios of the development of events are discussed by the mentioned persons, which include the establishment of the so-called ‘’tent city’’, the construction of barricades on central avenues and strategic facilities, the seizure and barricading of government buildings, and other illegal actions that contain elements of serious provocation. In particular, it has been confirmed that the organizations are considering executing a scenario similar to the Euromaidan held in Ukraine in 2014.
It also became known that an explosive device, which the organizers of criminal actions intend to detonate, will be placed in a pre-selected tent at the site where the rallies organized by Giorgi Lortkipanidze and Mikheil Baturin will take place, namely in the so-called ‘’tent city’’. This, according to their criminal plan, should cause casualties among the peaceful protesters and law enforcement officers. The destructive forces hope that this terrorist act will cause an indiscriminate shootout between law enforcement officers and protestors, which will create grounds for further civil conflict.
We would like to inform the public that this is not the first time said organizations planned such provocations against Georgia, although they were averted in the past by the effective and preventive response of law enforcement officers. Considering the current difficult geopolitical situation, unlike previous cases, the current plan poses a much greater risk that threatens the security of the country, as well as the lives, well-being, and health of the ordinary population of Georgia.
In order to neutralize said risks, the State Security Service is implementing all necessary preventive measures in coordination with other competent agencies. Also, in order to source additional intelligence, the agency applies to the relevant bodies of the partner states in relation to this issue,’’ says the statement issued by SSSG.