Average Monthly Salary in Georgia Increased to 2044 GEL

In the fourth quarter of 2023, the average monthly nominal salary in Georgia increased by 15.3% compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, rising by 270.9 GEL to reach 2044.5 GEL. Additionally, the average salary for women was 1607.3 GEL, while for men, it was 2463.8 GEL.

According to the data from the National Statistics Office of Georgia relatively high wages were recorded in the following fields, categorized by type of activity:

  • Information and communication: 4309.2 GEL (increased by 17.3% compared to the corresponding period of the previous year)
  • Financial and insurance activities: 3110.0 GEL (increased by 14.1%)
  • Construction: 3062.5 GEL (increased by 20.8%)
  • Professional, scientific, and technical activities:5 GEL (increased by 19%)

The annual increase in wages for women amounted to 195.6 GEL (13.9%), while for men, it was 340.7 GEL (16%). According to the Saxstat report, men's wages were higher than women's wages in all sectors, depending on the type of activity.

In the fourth quarter of last year, the average monthly salary of hired employees in the business sector increased by 285.1 GEL (14.9%), reaching 2,196.2 GEL. According to the types of activity, the highest salary is recorded in the fields of information and communication (4,420.5 GEL, increased by 17.1% compared to the corresponding period of the previous year) and professional, scientific, and technical activities (3,393.5 GEL, increased by 22.4%).

The average monthly salary in the non-entrepreneurial and financial sector increased by 242.7 GEL (15.9%) compared to the corresponding period of last year, amounting to 1765.7 GEL. According to the type of activity, employees in financial and insurance activities have a relatively high average salary.

The highest average monthly salary is in Tbilisi, amounting to 2392.9 GEL. Following that is the Mtskheta-Mtianeti region at 1828.2 GEL, and then Adjara at 1796.5 GEL. The lowest average monthly salary is in the Racha-Lechkhumi and Kvemo Svaneti region, at 1013.6 GEL.

Georgian News
Georgian News
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