Khazaradze: Any Candidacies Should Wait Until After the Elections

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After the meeting with President Salome Zourabichvili, the leaders of the Strong Georgia coalition announced that, following the parliamentary elections, they would discuss who would be part of the provisional government. According to them, no specific candidates were discussed at today’s meeting.

"The power in this country belongs to the Georgian people. Therefore, we believe that any nominations should be considered after the election, and we have made that very clear to [the president]. There was no discussion about any candidates. We, together with the Georgian people, should focus on winning convincingly and putting the country on the European course. As for the candidates, there was no discussion about them. We are deeply convinced that elections and their results in this country belong to the people, and all other issues should be discussed within the framework of the Charter [Georgian Charter].

The choice of the Georgian people is supreme. We have to wait for October 26 to win and to celebrate this victory peacefully. Accordingly, within the framework of the Charter, the president, as the guarantor of the transfer of power and the formation of a new composition, will be the main figure," said Mamuka Khazaradze.

The same was reiterated by Levan Tsutskiridze, the founder of the Freedom Square political movement included in the Strong Georgia coalition. According to Tsutskiridze, governments are formed in European democracies after the voters' will is understood.

"There was no discussion about a specific person or composition. We discussed the pre-election process, talked about the implementation of the Georgian Charter, and emphasized that the will of the Georgian people, which should be expressed in the elections, should be decisive for everything, as it is in all democratic countries. There was no discussion about any names or any composition of the cabinet, and in my opinion, this is correct," Tsutskiridze noted.

On October 7, President Salome Zourabichvili began consultations with political parties to select candidates for the provisional government provided for by the Georgian Charter. Before that, in an interview with the TV Pirveli station, she stated that she had already selected a candidate for the post of Prime Minister who has no political background. Salome Zourabichvili mentioned that there is little time left before the elections and that it is necessary to start negotiations regarding specific candidates for ministerial positions.

Georgian News
Georgian News
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