Kobakhidze on European Parliament Resolution: The Mark of the Global War Party is Clear Here

The Russian law of the Georgian Dream party threatens independent media and civil society organizations and hinders Georgia from joining the European Union.

Russian law establishes Putin's rules in Georgia, which has eliminated free speech in Russia.

When you are oppressed, there will be no one to cover your problem and stand by you.

Georgian News will resist the Russian intention of the Georgian Dream to the end!

Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze links the adoption of the European Parliament's resolution on the decline of democracy in Georgia to the Global War Party. The document has a "straw value" and will be ineffective, he says.

"Since the start of the war in Ukraine, three resolutions of this type have already been adopted by the European Parliament, and now this is the fourth resolution they have passed. Behind this is the influence of the forces we refer to as the Global War Party. It is clear that certain forces cannot accept the fact that a second front did not open in Georgia, the war did not happen, and this is their last effort to push such a scenario. They are pinning their hopes on the upcoming parliamentary elections, and this discussion in the European Parliament was actually held for that purpose. This resolution was adopted for this reason, but the efforts of these forces are doomed to fail," Kobakhidze said during an interview on the pro-government television channel Imedi.

According to him, such resolutions are driven not by the interests of the European Union or its population but by "the interests of specific other powers."

"Injustice can be clearly read in this resolution. Once again, it talks about punishing the Georgian Dream and protecting the National Movement. This is the main red line drawn by this resolution. Naturally, an unjust document holds no value for us, and this resolution will be as ineffective as the previous three," the Prime Minister of Georgia added.

The October 9 resolution, titled the democratic backsliding and threats to political pluralism in Georgia, has the support of 495 MEPs. It calls on the European Union and its member states to impose personal sanctions on those responsible for undermining democracy in Georgia, including the honorary chairman of Georgian Dream, Bidzina Ivanishvili, who is labeled an "oligarch" in the resolution. European parliamentarians also criticize antidemocratic laws passed by Georgian Dream, including the so-called Russian Law On Agents, and demand that all EU funding received by the Georgian government be frozen until these laws are repealed.

Georgian News
Georgian News
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