Missing Professor Giorgi Gakheladze Found Dead

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Giorgi Gakheladze / Photo from Iliauni Archive

Education researcher Professor Giorgi Gakheladze, who had been missing for six days, was found dead after a search conducted by his family, police, and volunteers.

"I don't have Gio anymore! Our story is over!" wrote Irma Malatsidze, Giorgi Gakheladze's wife, on Facebook.

Giorgi Gakheladze's body was found near Turtle Lake. Currently, criminalists are working at the scene. The cause of the professor's death is unknown. The 57-year-old Giorgi Gakheladze left home on June 19 and did not return. According to family members, his phone was active until 10 p.m., with the signal located in the area of Vake Park.

"The police have obtained video evidence. In the first half of the day, Giorgi entered a pharmacy near Vake Park, purchased aspirin, then bought cigarettes and alcohol at a store. Subsequently, continuous video footage shows him entering Vake Park. By three o'clock that day, the cameras in Vake Park were turned off - there are over 120 cameras in Vake Park - making it impossible to track him. However, based on the phone signal, we know that Giorgi was in this area," said the deceased's brother, Levan Gakheladze.

During this period, various parts of the city, including Kus Lake, were searched for Giorgi Gakheladze. The Ministry of Internal Affairs has initiated a criminal case under the article of illegal deprivation of liberty.

Georgian News
Georgian News
is an independent socio-political online edition. The website is operated by the Information Resources Network (IRN).