Embarrassing when President Violates Constitution – Gharibashvili

The Russian law of the Georgian Dream party threatens independent media and civil society organizations and hinders Georgia from joining the European Union.

Russian law establishes Putin's rules in Georgia, which has eliminated free speech in Russia.

When you are oppressed, there will be no one to cover your problem and stand by you.

Georgian News will resist the Russian intention of the Georgian Dream to the end!

‘’Unfortunately, it was confirmed that the head of state Mrs. Zourabichvili is a violator of the Constitution. Do we look like we are nervous or afraid of someone’s opposition?! Salome Zourabichvili had a 1% rating when she was in the opposition. Georgian Dream took her and installed her as president,’’ this is how Prime Minister Irakli Gharibashvili responded to the statement of the President of Georgia, Salome Zourabichvili.

‘’Part of our citizens expected that she would introduce the European standard into Georgian politics (everyone respects the law and the constitution), but instead, we got the complete opposite – Mrs. Zourabichvili told us that she does not recognize the Constitution. This is a disgraceful act. I am not even going to comment on her statements. It is embarrassing when the President violates the Constitution and makes such statements,’’ said Irakli Gharibashvili. 

On October 16, the Constitutional Court published its conclusion, which established that the President of Georgia, Salome Zourabichvili, violated the Constitution by holding meetings with the leaders of the EU countries without the government's consent. Judges Merab Turava, Eva Gotsiridze, Giorgi Tevdorashvili, Khvicha Kikilashvili, Manana Kobakhidze, and Vasil Roinishvili supported the decision, while Irine Imerlishvili, Giorgi Kverenchkhiladze, and Teimuraz Tughushi dissented.

‘’We have shown that no one stands above the law in this country. 

Of course, those three judges are probably biased in their judgments, but I don’t judge. 

I can tell you that today we have peace and stability in our country. You see what is happening in the world today. These are challenging times. Ukraine… and now Israel. The events unfolding in Israel are disturbing and challenging not just for that region but will have a ripple effect on the entire world. So, we should direct our focus on maintaining peace, solidifying stability, economic development, and prosperity of our country. Our people need this,’’ said Gharibashvili.

After the Constitutional Court announced its decision, the president said that all the judges who signed the ruling should be ashamed.

‘’Today they killed the European future and democracy with one stone, or rather tried to. A country where there’s no balance between different branches cannot be considered democratic. This is what Georgian Dream wants, but

Georgian Dreams’ dreams are over, and I am not going anywhere. Then they can wonder which version of Salome Zourabichvili they preferred. That doesn’t concern me. What I am concerned with is where I would be of more use to this country - either as an independent politician or as a president, who will continue her mandate.

The near future will reveal where the chips will fall,’’ stated the President. 

The impeachment procedure of the President starts today in the Parliament. 100 MP’s votes are needed to unseat the President, which the Georgian Dream comes short of. Part of the parliamentary opposition opposes the impeachment of the president and considers it a sabotage and an artificial obstacle to the country’s European integration.

Georgian News
Georgian News
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