Alt-Info to Join Elections with Patriots Alliance Help

The Russian law of the Georgian Dream party threatens independent media and civil society organizations and hinders Georgia from joining the European Union.

Russian law establishes Putin's rules in Georgia, which has eliminated free speech in Russia.

When you are oppressed, there will be no one to cover your problem and stand by you.

Georgian News will resist the Russian intention of the Georgian Dream to the end!

The pro-Russian and often violent Alt Info party is set to participate in the parliamentary elections with the support of another pro-Russian party, the Patriots Alliance. Zurab Makharadze, one of the leaders of Alt Info, made the announcement.

As Makharadze says, they have had extensive discussions with the Patriots Alliance, and their visions align.

"The only chance to participate in the elections was with a party that cannot be cancelled. The only party on the conservative wing, with which there is ideological alignment and which cannot be blocked, is the Patriots Alliance.

Legally, it is a parliamentary party that does not need to collect signatures and already participates in the elections. It is also impossible to block. An agreement in principle has been reached between us and them. Details are being worked out. We will definitely take part in this year's parliamentary elections, and not only us - those who carry weight on the conservative side, a truly conservative force, will unite and participate in the elections through the Patriots Alliance, this great national unity," said Zurab Makharadze.

On April 8, the Public Registry canceled the Alt-Info party - Conservative Movement. The registry examined the legality of the party's registration based on the appeal of the Anti-Corruption Bureau and found that the founding documentation submitted by the leadership of Conservative Movement/Alt Info on December 6, 2021, for the purpose of registration, did not meet the requirements established by law. The leaders of Alt Info stated that the government abolished the party in gross violation of the law so that it could not participate in the parliamentary elections. A few days before the cancellation, the Central Election Commission registered Conservative Movement/Alt Info as an election entity.

After that, Alt Info decided to participate in the elections through the Georgian Idea party. However, on April 23, based on the anti-corruption bureau's appeal, the public registry began to investigate compliance with the legislation of the registered data of Georgian Idea. Until the end of this process, the CEC suspended the registration process of Georgian Idea as an electoral entity.

Parliamentary elections will be held on October 26.

Georgian News
Georgian News
is an independent socio-political online edition. The website is operated by the Information Resources Network (IRN).